Study Name: RELIEVE-HF
Study Objective: To evaluate safety/efficacy of the V-Wave Interatrial Shunt System to improve clinical outcomes in a certain high-risk subset of symptomatic patients suffering from HF.
Key Inclusion Criteria:
1. Ischemic or non-ischemic cardiomyopathy
2. NYHA Class III or amb Class IV HF
3. Receiving guideline directed medical therapy
4. Prior HF Hosp >24 hours or ER HF Visit with duration ≥6 hours, or HF Clinic ADHF Visit with
duration ≥6 hours, within 12 months
5. 6MWT ≥100 meters and ≤450 meters
Key Exclusion Criteria:
1. BMI >45 4. Resting SBP <90 or >160 mmHg
2. PA systolic pressure >70 mmHg
3. (LVEDD) >8cm
4. Mod-sev MS or AS
5. Acute MI, ACS, PCI, or other major surgery within 3 months of baseline visit
6. Stroke, TIA, DVT within 6 months of baseline visit
Study Contacts: PI: Maria Karas, MD (646) 962 5555
RC: Katelyn Bastert, (212) 746 2698
Make an Appointment
(646) 962-5558
Weill Cornell Medicine
Division of Cardiology
1305 York Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10021